DC Motor interfacing directly to microcontroller is not very practical specially that this may damage the microcontroller or it's just won't work because of the low voltage that it provides.
A good solution is to use an interface between our DC motor and the microcontroller: In our case we'll be dealing with the L293D IC from STmicroelectronics. This circuit offers the ability to control 2 DC motors in both clockwise and counter clockwise direction with a maximum voltage of 12V.
Simple Circuit:
How it works:
The integrated circuit got 4 input pins , each 2 are used to give the direction of the rotaion of the motor or whether it is off.
The VSS pin is for powering the IC with 5V , the VS is for power that goes directly to the motors and which can be in a range of 12V.
If we want for example to turn on a motor , it's enough to set a first input high and the other one low or the opposite (IN1 High , IN2 Low / IN1 Low, IN2 High) and the same as for the second motor .
Now if you want to turn off the motor all what you need is to set both of the inputs low or high in the same time. (IN1 High, IN2 High / IN1 Low, IN2 Low) .
A good solution is to use an interface between our DC motor and the microcontroller: In our case we'll be dealing with the L293D IC from STmicroelectronics. This circuit offers the ability to control 2 DC motors in both clockwise and counter clockwise direction with a maximum voltage of 12V.
Simple Circuit:
How it works:
The integrated circuit got 4 input pins , each 2 are used to give the direction of the rotaion of the motor or whether it is off.
The VSS pin is for powering the IC with 5V , the VS is for power that goes directly to the motors and which can be in a range of 12V.
If we want for example to turn on a motor , it's enough to set a first input high and the other one low or the opposite (IN1 High , IN2 Low / IN1 Low, IN2 High) and the same as for the second motor .
Now if you want to turn off the motor all what you need is to set both of the inputs low or high in the same time. (IN1 High, IN2 High / IN1 Low, IN2 Low) .